Usage reference#

How it works#

The tool just converts all existing MD files into HTML with some default simple template.
It does not support custom theming or templates, as well as other customization features.

The layout should be the following: a single file as entry point and possibly other MD files in another dir, e.g.:

└── docs/
    ├── logo.png
    ├── screenshot.jpg
    └── ...


To keep it simple, there are only couple of options.

Argument Name Description
--dir or -d source directory with Markdown documentation (./docs by default).
--out or -o output directory with HTML documentation (./docs_gen by default).
--tpl or -t HTML template as a string, should contain {{header}} placeholder for header, {{nav}} for navigation block and {{main}} for Markdown content`.
-i the name of index Markdown README file ( by default).